Curriculum vitae

General Information

Full Name Aasman Bashyal
Address Mid Baneshwor, 44600, Kathmandu, Bagmati, Nepal


  • 2017 – 2022

    Kathmandu, Nepal

    Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication
    Pulchowk Campus, IOE, T.U.
    • Computer Science Courseworks - Computer Programming (C), Object Oriented Programming in C++, Discrete structure, Digital Logic, Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Graphics, Embedded System, Computer Networks, Microprocessor, Project Mangement, Digital Signal Processing, Database Management Systems, Enterprise Computing
    • Mathematics Courseworks - Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, Calculus I, Calculus II, Numerical Methods


  • 2022 – Present

    Seoul, Korea

    Research Engineer (Computer Vision)
    Angelswing Inc.
    • Implemented a Modified Segment Anything Model to facilitate real-time user interaction (50ms to 200ms latency) for segmenting large TIFF images, generating precise polygon masks, and improving the efficiency and accuracy of polygon drawing tools.
    • Design and implement architectural for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) capable of editing 3D terrain models. Optimized performance to achieve real-time responsiveness (1s to 3s latency), enhancing user engagement and design versatility.
    • Developed the Snapping feature for a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) overlay, enhancing the precision and efficiency of the product’s measurement tools.
    • Conducted a feasibility study on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and Structure From Motion (SfM) for indoor scene reconstruction.
  • 2021 – 2022

    Lalitpur, Nepal

    Research Engineer (Embedded Systems)
    NEAR Aerospace
    • Designed and programmed an embedded ignition system for an amateur rocket base station, utilizing an Arduino with RF communication for remote signal transmission and ignition control.
    • Developed a data logger based on ESP32, equipped with a dual-memory system (flash and SD card) for redundancy. The logger records vital telemetry, including accelerometer and gyroscope data from an IMU and barometric pressure readings for altitude, ensuring detailed analysis of flight dynamics.
  • 2021 – 2021

    Lalitpur, Nepal

    Research Engineer Intern
    • Led a team of four in the comprehensive design and development of a portable weather station with a focus on sustainability and real-time data analysis.
    • Spearheaded the embedded system design, employing an ESP32 as the client, which harnessed solar power and was equipped with a suite of sensors: a BME280 for pressure, temperature, and humidity readings; a DS18B20 digital thermal probe for precise temperature data; as well as anemometer, wind vane, and a high-resolution tipping bucket rain gauge for detailed meteorological data.
    • Implemented a Kalman filter algorithm on the client side to refine sensor data, enhancing accuracy and reliability.
    • On the server side, configured a Raspberry Pi to serve as a robust MQTT receiver, interfacing with Node-RED for data flow management.
    • Engineered the backend to store data in a time-series InfluxDB, and utilized Grafana for dynamic data visualization, allowing for comprehensive weather analysis and reporting.
  • 2017 – 2021

    Lalitpur, Nepal

    Robotics Engineer
    Pulchowk Campus, IOE, T.U.
    • Led the team of 21 undergraduate students as head of the embedded and navigation team for ABU Robocon 2020, Fiji, and worked as a student team member for ABU- Robocon 2019, Mongolia, and ABU- Robocon 2018, Vietnam, and mentoring for ABU Robocon 2021, China in lab facility arranged by the University.
    • Led the development of the semi-autonomous navigation system for a four-wheel omni-drive robot, overseeing the integration of LiDAR, encoders, and IMU sensors.
    • Engineered multiple custom boards, including an motor drivers, Arduino Mega and STM32-based development board, each tailored to project specifications for seamless integration. Designed additional boards for specific functions, such as schmitt trigger, pneumatic control, etc.


  • 2021-2022

    Automatic Modulation Classifier
    • Worked under Prof. Dr. Shashidhar Ram Joshi to explore various deep learning methods for classifying modulation types of a signal.
    • Different neural network architectures were used. This includes a combination of a modified Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units enhanced by an attention layer, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM). Additionally, CNN-LSTM architecture for efficient and comprehensive feature extraction.
    • Conducted experiments using Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) for the classification of BPSK and QPSK modulated signals, exploring the intersection of quantum computing and signal processing.
  • 2020

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
    • Studied various algorithms and approaches used in solving the SLAM problem.
    • Developed a ROS package based on Breezy SLAM, enabling a LIDAR-based mobile robot to map unknown environments and determine its location within them.
  • 2019

    • Engineered a Smart Baby Cot, integrating cry detection, wet bed sensing, and automatic rocking features. This project garnered the SDG Health Category award at LOCUS 2020, highlighting its contribution to infant care.
    • Developed and implemented a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model to analyze baby cry audio signals. Successfully transformed these signals into spectrograms and Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) for precise pattern recognition using CNN.
  • 2019-2018

    Baag Chal and Bouncy Ball
    • Developed two games 'Baag Chal' in C++, demonstrating object-oriented programming skills, and 'Bouncy Ball' in C, showcasing proficiency in fundamental C programming.
  • 2018

    Visual Light Communication System
    • Engineered a Visual Light Communication (VLC) system for audio transmission, incorporating an audio-responsive LED transmitter circuit with amplifier.
    • Designed a solar panel receiver with amplifier to extract audio from light signals for playback.


  • 2022

    • Guided the team for ABU Robocon 2022, focusing on innovative design and teamwork.
  • 2021

    • IEEE Pulchowk Student Branch: As President (2021), led various technical and professional development initiatives, successfully launching 4 major technical workshops.
    • Mentored the team for ABU Robocon 2021, achieving second runner-up position.
    • Robotics Camp Instructor, Junior School GRS: Designed and led a robotics camp, introducing young students to robotics and STEM. Created engaging and interactive learning experiences.
    • Training: Participated in 'Mentor Training to Foster Logical and Creative Thinking Using ICT in Basic Education' by Masatoshi Suzuki, Japan. Represented IOE, enhancing skills in ICT integration in education.
  • 2020

    • IEEE Pulchowk Student Branch: As Membership Committee Chair (2020), spearheaded efforts that increased membership by 40%
    • Tokyo Electron Award at ABU ROBOCON, Suva, Fiji
    • Mentoring: Hardware Fellowship for junior students
    • Winner: SDG Health Category, LOCUS 2020 for innovative project contribution
  • 2019

    • ROHM Award at ABU ROBOCON, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
    • Mentoring: Taught foundational hardware technology concepts with a focus on real-world applications. Involved in curriculum development and student assessment strategies.
  • 2018

    • Best Shuttlecock Award at ABU ROBOCON, Ninh-Binh, Vietnam
    • Second Position: Inter-college Soldering Competition
  • 2016 - 2017

    • Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship: Awarded by the Indian Embassy for academic excellence in high school.


  • Programming Languages: Python, C/C++, JavaScript, Matlab, SQL
  • Machine Learning and Data Analysis: Proficient in Numpy, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Matplotlib, OpenCV, Pandas, SciPy
  • Cloud and DevOps: Experienced with AWS (EC2, S3), Docker, GIT, Grafana, InfluxDB
  • GIS and Mapping Tools: Skilled in QGIS, GDAL, GeoServer, OpenLayer, with practical project experience
  • Database Technologies: PostgreSQL
  • Embedded Systems and Simulation: Experienced with Embedded C, KiCad, Proteus, MATLAB, STM32CubeMX, Keil Microvision, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
  • Scripting and Other Tools: Node-Red, Bash-script, LaTeX
  • Additional Skills: Inkscape, Microsoft Office, Canva, MS Teams, Slack, Jira

Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving, Creativity, Teamwork, Adaptability, Leadership, Good Communication, Time Management